Monday 30 May 2011

Rakuzen ^^

Venue : Rakuzen, Subang
Date : 28.05.2011
Time : 6:30 pm

The main door


Sushi bar seats~

The sushi bar where the chefs work~ 

The yakitori station~ All the barbeque is done there~

Hot towels served~

Next was the hot ocha (green tea) ~ 

The menu~

The appetizer~
PS: It's FOC & served to every table~

The DIY lighting~

The lamp~ 


A bowl of fried thing~ 
Dunno what's it called~

Inaniwa Udon (wheat udon) ~


 Sakurachirashi Zen (a variety of shashimi with rice beneath)~

Close up~
There's tuna,salmon, octopus,prawn,sotong,
kani (it's the real crab not the crab stick), scallop & 
prawn roe~ 

The side dish of the set, some sort of the octopus cuisine~
This is nabe~ 

The Kani (Crab)
This was the best crab that i have ever had~
The sweetness in it was nothing to compare~

When the Nabe comes to a boil~

Papa puts in the Kani for it to cook~

It took just around a minute to cook~ 

This was a dish that we ordered but it was served to the other table, 
so we canceled it. The chef came out to apologize and offer us it for free~

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